

“Feelings make great passengers but terrible drivers.”

You cannot live your life based on the ebb and flow of emotion. The truth is that your emotions can deceive you more often than not.

Feelings are often a barometer of where your heart and mind are. They can indicate that something is not calibrated in your thinking.

But let it be your disciplined thinking and discernment that defines and guides the path you’re taking today.

If your thinking is clouded by your emotions, which is often the truth, you need to change the way you think.

“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind” the Bible teaches. How?


Here are three strategies that will help you renew your mind so it is not swayed to and grow by the fickleness of your feelings:

1. Change your daily focus. When you wake up in the morning, control the first thought you think. How do I do that? Well, maybe make the last thing you do before you go to bed be reading a personal growth book or devotional. There is research that shows, what we think about before we go to bed often affects what we think about when we rise.

2. Learn to discipline your thoughts. Everyone makes the excuse, “I just can’t change”. Baloney. You won’t change. There is no can’t. Decide. Catch yourself. Consider others. Decrease your need for recognition and focus on others. Stop yourself when you start feeling self-pity by speaking to yourself instead of listening to yourself. Read affirmations such as the ones written in Og Mandinos Greatest Salesman in the World or Andy Andrews The travelers Gift.

3. Set up signposts in your immediate world. There are thousands of inspirational quotes. scriptures, and images that you can print up and put everywhere in your life. The bathroom mirror, the refrigerator door, your computer, your dashboard, your doorposts. Put signs everywhere that point your mind to the right thinking that will set the trajectory of your day in a positive way.

Can’t? Or Won’t discipline your feelings? Your choice.