

In my book, “The 7 Spheres of a FriendMaker” I discuss the difference between spheres and circles.

I didn’t want to communicate that the 7 things I wanted to teach business people were merely skills to develop.

I wanted something deeper. Something with weight and volume.

In our talk about business, we often use the term “Sphere of Influence”. Building friendships, over time, takes time, experience, living, and dwelling with people for a while.

The 7 Spheres aren’t just skills to develop, but spaces to live inside of with people.

Go deep, not just wide.


Begin to cultivate an inner attitude of giving space, time, and margin in your life for building relationships.

Block it out on your schedule. Start with your meals. You eat 21 meals a week. Invite 3 people into your eating schedule every week.

Don’t add to what you’re already doing. Invite people into what you’re already doing.