The end of the year starts with a beginning.
Songs for hundreds of years are sung still in this season commemorating a humble child born in a stable and placed in a feeding trough.
This all signifies Advent (I.e.The Coming)
This time of year is a time of reflection for most.
It’s also a time of preparation for a new season, a new “Advent”-ure.
Look inside. There’s a soul there. There’s a Spirit that longs for something transcendent.
Who you are Be-“coming” matters. It matters.
More than you know.
3 Committments you need to make to yourself here at the Advent of something new and great and beautiful.
1. Commit to spiritual formation. You are being formed all the time by what you are allowing to “inform” you. Look into Jesus. A great book to read that may change your mind about him is “The Genius of Jesus”, by Erwin McManus. Choose to become Spiritual.
2. Commit to personal development. “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” (CT Jones) start reading more books and meeting more people. Choose to toughen your Mind.
3. Commit to your Family & your Work. There is no such thing as “work/life” balance. Learn how to make the two co-exist. Give your time to both. But…don’t lose your family as you pursue your business. If you have to choose one or the other… choose people. Rekindle the love you once had for your spouse, your children. Choose to integrate.