It’s easy to forget all of the things you have to do. It’s also easy to get overwhelmed by them too.
The kind of person who handles all of the pressure of life is the kind of person who plans for and sets out each and everyday with some kind of a skeleton of a plan.
I’m not saying you have to plan out every minute meticulously. Some of you are good at that, but many of us aren’t.
So how do we organize our day to avoid both forgetfulness and overwhelm?
The answer? Reminders.
Reminders are a series of planned out tasks, lists, alarms, and alerts we set throughout our day to snap us back to thinking about the most important things we need to get done.
Here’s how to remind yourself:
1. Write it down. It always begins here. What you don’t write down gets lost. What you do write down gets remembered. Make your list of Goals: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually. Keep them where you can review them regularly.
2. Commit to memory your most important tasks each day. But don’t stop there. If your memory is lacking, tally out your daily list into a task list with checkboxes.
3. Set alarms. You have a phone. Use the Reminder App and set alerts to help you remember throughout the day. It may be an alert to remind you it’s lunch time, time to call your spouse and check in, time to write those bills, call those people, make that connection.
Whatever you do. Don’t forget to remind yourself. It’ll keep you sane amidst the insanity.