Nobody likes a controlling person.
There I said it.
We are all allergic to power hungry, controlling personalities.
Our culture is full of them and the general consensus is that they are not well liked.
Control is an illusion, but freedom is possible.
In your life and business, you have choices. Everyday you make these choices based on the future you are hoping for.
Nothing is fully within your control. The best you’ll probably ever get is clumsy.
But that doesn’t mean you don’t try. It doesn’t mean you don’t plan in pencil. It doesn’t mean you don’t think about what you want and decide to go in that direction. it just means you give up control.
Instead, try freedom. You have the freedom to choose to set your sail in a certain direction. You have the freedom to plot your course, examine the tradewinds, & navigate the unknown.
Just remember, you do not control the wind.
Have your dreams. Set your goals. Form your action plans. And trust the process.
How do I become less controlling and more free today?
1. Understand the law of the harvest. Work the soil Plant the seeds. Water the sprouts. But trust the Divine to make it grow, to bring the rain, to shine the sun. There are things you control and there are things you don’t.
2. Do what you can do. Think about your life. Think about what’s most important. Think about what the future could look like. And do what you can do.
3. Have Faith. Faith is about believing in what you cannot see. The more bogged down you get worrying about tomorrow, the less time you spend doing the very things you need to do that will grow your business. Put yourself back in the game. I promise. You won’t regret it.