

There is healthy fear.

Fear that motivates.

Fear that stays our hand.

Fear that causes us to pause, reflect, rethink.

All fear is not bad.

Be fearful of a life wasted.

Be fearful of not living up to your potential.

Be fearful of what you won’t create when you let toxic fear keep you from healthy fear.

But more than Fear… Love.

Love the life you have.

Love the potential that exists inside.

Love the creative act.


How do I stay motivated? And how do I tell the difference between healthy fear and toxic fear.

One way to know is this:

Healthy fear should remind you to Love.

Toxic fear will result in shame.

Complete this exercise this morning:

1. Reflect Silently. Imagine the world where you don’t engage, where you don’t bring the uniqueness of who you are into the mix, where you don’t breathe life into your people, your family, your clients, your business partners.

2. Breathe Life into People today. Consider that your job is to do one simple thing: Breathe Life.

3. Write down 5 ways that you can create life in people today. Put them in your to do list and just complete these tasks today. Here are some ideas. Handwritten note to say how grateful you are. A quick phone call to say “I love you”. A brief visit with a box of donuts.

Do something. My father always used to tell me “Action Cures Fear”. Do something today. Love Well.

The world is counting on you to overcome your fear.

The world is counting on you to love.