Do hard things. Sales isn’t easy. If it was, more people would do it. You’re going to have to learn how to put yourself out there. You’re going to have to promote yourself.
You’re going to have to have tough conversations. You’re going to have to grow. You’re going to have to face discomfort. You’re going to have to embrace inconvenience.
You’re going to have to be mentally tough.
Be decisive. if you’re going to do the hard things, you’re going to need to choose a few important things.
1. Discipline. This begins in your mind and works it’s way out into your body. I think therefore I am. I decide, therefore I act.
2. Habit. The repetitive action that becomes unconscious over time is only going to happen if you just do it. Don’t prepare to do the thing you know you should. Just do it. Habit forms over time.
3. Duty. There are some things you decide to do because you want to do them. There are also some things that you do because you have to. Figure out the difference and complete the tasks you have to do before you work on the ones you want to do. Eat the frog early. It may not be pleasant, but at least it’ll be done