The 5th Sphere of a FriendMaker is Leaping.
FriendMaking is risky business. Especially in business. Why is that? Because you run the risk of alienating people you care about if business goes bad. You could lose a client too.
Fake it till you make it is a bad idea. Taking risks for your clients means you’re going to have to decide not to compromise who you are in order to save a client relationship.
This takes integrity and conviction. Not popular words in the business environment of our day.
3 practices to leaping.
1. Tell the truth. Be honest no matter what. If you don’t know something, own it. Tell your client. You won’t hurt yourself. Only if you lie.
2. Go deep with people, not just wide. Just because you have a lot of sales doesn’t make you a Friend-maker. Choose to dive in deeper with people. You’ll set yourself apart.
3. Give 110%. Leave nothing for the trip back. Pour yourself out for people. Go the extra mile. You won’t regret it.