

The 1st Sphere of a FriendMaker.

We begin here. Why? Because listening is the language of love.

Listening opens the door to relationship. Listening goes beyond “I hear what you said” and says, “I understand what you mean.”

Understanding only happens when we’ve taken the time to truly listen to someone else.

When we begin to understand people better, we are able to throw off our preconceived, judgmental notions that we have of them.

First impressions are often false. Listening goes deeper than surface and gives people a chance to explain themselves.

Listening itself is an act of kindness.


3 Practices.

1. Shut off distractions. Put the phone away. Make eye contact. Communicate no verbally that you are listening.

2. Take notes. Grab a pen. Write it down. You’ll remember the conversation better later if you take notes during it.

3. Repeat people’s words back to them in the form of a question. “so what I’m hearing you say is…” People want to know you’re listening, so say it back to them. You’ll know quickly if you were actually listening or not.