Do you remember the story of the tortoise and the hare?
That rabbit was confident, proud, and naturally talented. He was a trash-talker, a hustler, and a “rock star”. He was recognized and regarded as the one everyone should be following.
He had all the makings of a winner.
He had all the characteristics that our business culture often eschews as the stuff legends are made of.
One problem.
It was the turtle who became the legend.
It was the turtle who won the race, got the glory, toted home the spoils.
And why?
One thing.
Where do you see yourself in that story?
Do you find yourself wanting to be recognized. rewarded, celebrity-ized?
Are you a fast scaler? Experiencing a quick rise to the top without having gone through the process that makes you a good human being?
Our culture crowns children kings.
Don’t believe me?
See who gets recognized first for their athletic ability and then contrast that with who gets recognized for their character.
See who gets recognized for making 100 sales their first year then contrast that with the salesman who gets recognized for how they care for their clients.
The turtle isn’t held up as a standard to follow. The rabbit is.
So how do we change this for ourselves?
Convincing the world that the tortoise is better than the hare is going to be an uphill battle for you. Probably impossible.
So don’t waste your time trying to prove something to a world that doesn’t value perseverance.
Do these three things:
1. Decide now that you are committing to becoming great. It’s not going to get better if you don’t become better. Commit to personal development and spiritual growth.
2. Push yourself towards purpose. Write it down. Put a picture of it up in front of you everyday where you can see it. And wake up ready to move towards that purpose or goal.
3. Let your life become a statement. Don’t ask yourself “Why me?” Ask yourself “Why not me?”. Don’t let your life just pass you by. Your obstacles are either setbacks or stepping stones. Persevere. Be steady. Put one foot in front of the other.
And don’t ever quit.