

Nobody wants to be perceived as desperate.

Desperate for attention.

Desperate for love.

Desperate for friendship.

But the longer I live, the more I’m convinced:

You and I are Needy.

Yes. Needy.

We don’t “need” anybody’s help, but really…we do.

We say we don’t need attention, but our spirits & souls need to be “attended” to.

We say we can do things on our own, but in reality, nothing we do is ever done completely alone.

We say we are lonely but we push people away who might bring us real wholeness & belonging.

We want to stand on our own two feet but we simply refuse to walk arm in arm with people who can lift us up when our legs get weak.

We receive calls and texts from people who would and could love us but we never respond for fear of being vulnerable.

The journey to becoming whole must begin by admitting we are needy and have needs. Pushing down our feelings about this is never a good thing. Thats how depression & anxiety get their roots.


How do we begin to take the steps towards wholeness in life and work?

1. “I need your help.” Add this phrase into your life. Begin speaking it to people whose help you actually need.

2. Become Generous. Give help to others. Become the friend who calls, who texts, who reaches out. Give of yourself even more than you have already. Give more than you take.

3. Embrace humility. It’s not desperate to admit to people your needs. It’s only desperate if you are only taking and never giving. A generous person asking for help is less suspicious than a prideful self-made man or woman never asking for it or always begging for it without ever having given at all.

4. Celebrate well. Share your success with those who have helped you. Be grateful. Communicate that gratitude by writing them a note or a card. Call them up and tell them about the win that wouldn’t have been possible without their help. Spend quality time with them.

The first step in recognizing truly how needy you are is understanding that you were never made to do life on your own.