I heard when I was a kid that if you Fail to Plan, you’re Planning to Fail.
The older I get, the more I realize how true that old adage is.
The opportunity for us to plan the actions that become the habits that help us achieve our goals is with us every day of our lives.
But if we fail to plan those activities, we are passively allowing failure to take its toll on us.
Don’t let failure overtake you.
Be proactive.
Make a Plan.
It’s not too late.
Three actions you can take right now.
1. Brainstorm your goals. Write out everything you want in a piece of paper. No matter how much you write, take 15-25 minutes and write it all out. Business goals, financial goals, personal goals, spiritual goals, relationships. Write them all down.
2. Prioritize the most important goals. Pick the top 3 out of each category and put a star next to them. Write your top three out under each category.
3. Write down the three most important activities that you must do under each item to achieve these goals. Be specific. What is it going to take for you to get your goals reached? What are you going to have to do? Write it down. .
Now plot it all out in a business plan!