Stack your activities. Diversify your investments. Compound your relationships. Multiply your money.
Doing one thing well is great. This is how you begin. But only doing one thing well while never developing more skill sets is a recipe for disaster.
You have to grow.
You have to stretch.
You have to keep opening yourself up to more risk.
Yep. I said it.
You have to make risky decisions if you want to grow in your business.
No one ever became great by playing it safe.
I’m not saying quit your day job.
But I am saying don’t let your fear of failure keep you from trying new things.
How do you “Stack” your activities.
1. Do more. Don’t just do the one thing every day that you always do. Add a lead generation activity.
2. Level up. Develop a new skill set. Create a new avenue for people to receive value from you.
3. Start a business. Start small. Create something from your heart. Give it away for free to few, and then ask for their feedback/reviews. Once you get that, then start selling it. First locally to your sphere, then ask your sphere for referrals.
Pretty soon you’ve stacked another activity, another skill, another thing that makes you valuable because you brought value.