

You’ve got to become a promoter if you are in sales.

Promotion, in fact, is your number one job.

If they don’t know you exist, they won’t know to ever hire you.

But promoting yourself doesn’t always come natural to everyone.

It means you have to move past “Reluctance” which is the biggest hurdle for most people in sales.


Here’s three ways to get past the Reluctance that stalls you on the way to Promotion:

1. Remember you are here to help people get what they want, not trying to persuade them to purchase something they don’t want.

2. Call on your friend’s list as a friend checking up on them not as a salesman trying to pitch yourself. there’s nothing worse than using people to get what you want out of them. Be genuine. Check in. Talk about them. Ask questions. Be their friend.

3. Learn a new marketing skill. take a class on Facebook marketing. Learn how to run Google ads. Step into a space you have little knowledge of and add a marketing skill you don’t have.

Promotion begins with a willingness to be vulnerable, to reach out into the world and put something out there that you’ve never done before but that can offer hope to the consumer who is tired of being treated only as a consumer. Make it your goal to connect with them. See where that leads. I think you’ll be pleased.