Human beings have an incredible capability for productivity.
Our drive, our cognitive abilities, our ability to create.. all of these are good.
But sometimes our inability to stop gets the better of us.
The truth is…
There will always be more things to do.
There will always be more people to meet.
There will always be more paperwork to complete.
There will always be more calls to make.
There will always be more.
It would behoove us to make it a part of our business plan to include Rest in our schedule.
Annual Rest might look like a vacation a few times a year.
Quarterly Rest might look like a weekend away once a quarter.
Monthly rest might look like a date night with our spouse, our kids, our significant other, or just a night out with friends.
Weekly rest might look like attending Sunday services or taking a day off and hiking in the mountains or spending a day on the sand.
Daily rest might look like establishing a morning routine of reading, silence, stillness, quiet time, or a walk.
Hourly rest might look like 1 minute of every hour where we set our alarm and take a One Minute Pause.
Whatever rest looks like for you, make it a priority to make these three promises to yourself.
1. I will not work myself to death, I will create a ritual of rest and from that rest I will work.
2. I will commit to putting rest on my calendar for the coming year.
3. I will choose to learn the discipline of rest so I can bring more of me into the lives of the people I love most and the community I serve.