Most of us believe in consistency.
We know it is consistency that gets us the clients, that keeps us in business, and that sustains us for the long haul.
Why aren’t we consistent in our business?
Why are we inconsistent in contacting people?
Why is our business inconsistently producing?
Here’s my gut feeling:
We don’t have them.
Remember the whole “Become the kind of people others want to do business with” that I’m always talking about?
We haven’t yet become Systematic.
I know, I know…Spontaneity is a virtue of the Free Spirit.
It’s ok… keep your spontaneity, but don’t forget to be systematic.
Here’s how:
Leadership expert Andy Stanley said this, “80% of your problems are not people problems, they are systems problems, because systems create the behaviors of people.”
So how do we become more systematic?
Three ideas to get you started:
1. Find a successful business person in your world that you resonate with and take them out for coffee and ask them what system they use to be successful. Most good salespeople have figured out a rhythm that works for them and that generates results.
2. Examine your own activities. Understand this: you already have a system. You have a way of doing things already that is currently getting you the results you are currently getting. Do some self examination about where you are spending your time, what activities you are doing, and what you need to change so that you can be more productive.
3. Get a system. There are many different coaches and business organizations to choose from to help you figure out a good system to use. Examine, watch, study, learn, and then just do. Pick a system that works for you and then implement a plan to work that system.
We here at FriendMaker, LLC are working on a “FriendMaker” App that will be available in a few months. It’s what I call “A CRM FOR DUMMIES” 😂😂
-If you had the ability to have a simple way to catalogue your names, addresses, phone numbers & emails of your entire database…would you find that helpful?
–If you had a reminder system of when you needed to reach out to and contact each of those people so you could remain top of mind for them…would you find that to be a valuable resource?
Feel free to respond to this email/post if you think this is something you would find helpful in your business!
Individual Coaching ($75 session)
Also… I am booking Individual coaching sessions for the Spring. If you would like to schedule a free 30 minute discovery call to talk about FriendMaker Coaching, send me an email at
I’d love to help you figure out how to become better in your business.
I’d love to chat with you about an affordable coaching service so can provide you for your business!