The 7th Sphere of a FriendMaker is Loving.
You cannot love what you have not valued. If your client doesn’t sense they are valued by you, all attempts at loving them will fail.
Love has at its core a selfless seeking out for the other persons welfare, benefit, and blessing. It is an unselfish way to treat people. And it often requires personal sacrifice to practice it.
The great thing about the Sphere of loving is it really encompasses all the other spheres. You begin with live and you end with love. Caring for your clients should happen before you even get clients. Loving is something that os done long before you meet and long after you close the deal with them.
That’s why this is the greatest Sphere of FriendMaking. Because it truly transcends the others.
How do we begin to communicate love and care to our clients?
1. Don’t worry about you. Quit being anxious about what you are going to get in the end, the transaction, the payout, or the closing. Focus on the well being of other people first. Become the kind of person who loves people well. Begin with an internal choice to set yourself aside.
2. Show it. Express it to people. Call them. Write them notes. Visit them. Throw parties for them. Encourage them along the way.
3. Keep doing it after you close the deal. Build community. Don’t use people as commodities. Connect them with your friends. Call them long after the sale. Stay in their lives as a voice of value. Be their friend.