

Figuring out how to not be a workaholic is delicate work.

The temptation to never be satisfied is real.

Always wanting more is a human condition.

It leaves us feeling unsatisfied, empty, lonely, and like we still haven’t done enough.

And yet, we still crave more.

More isn’t bad. It’s just when when doesn’t reach “enough” that it really becomes a problem.

Deep love for who we are is what takes the dissatisfaction out of our desire for more.

Seeing ourselves as enough frees us to do more and it not be a bad thing.


So how do we do more without being slaves to needing to do more? How do we hold both a dissatisfaction with what is and yet also a satisfaction in who we are at the same time? Here’s 3 attitudes that may help:

1. Understand that “More” is not your enemy. It is Hurry that sucks the life out of you. As Dallas Willard said, “You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.” A drivenness to always have to be doing something more is a sure sign that you are letting hurry take over. More isn’t bad. Hurry is.

2. Embrace incompleteness. Make your lists. Do you critical tasks be satisfied in your completion. But recognize that you’ll never feel like you got it all done, and that’s ok.

3. Take massive action. Ultimately. You may not be getting the results you want because you aren’t doing enough. That doesn’t mean you aren’t enough. Recognize the distinction and get after that work that you know you need to do. Do more. But don’t let it become obsessive. Remember more isn’t the enemy. Hustle isn’t a bad thing. Just don’t let it become your identity.