Hello friends! You’ve been receiving these posts/emails because you attended one of my FriendMaker™️ Workshops this year.
I want to personally thank you for coming and being a part of this exciting message of building a business on Friendship.
I need Your help.
I’d like to ask you to visit my new Facebook Page for the FriendMaker Workshops & Coaching and write a review of the experience you had when you came to my workshop this year.
Other brokers, agents, and mortgage and title companies will be looking at this course to decide if they’d like to hold lunch and learns across the state and I’d live to have your review/recommendation.
Go to www.Facebook.com/friendmakerllc
There you will see a spot on the cover page where you can write a review.
Would you do me the favor of writing about what you experienced when you came to my workshop?
I would greatly appreciate it! Help me share this message far and wife with as many people as possible
In the meantime, but a book for a friend off of Amazon. They are on sale for $10 a piece right now!
Here’s the link: The 7 Spheres of a FriendMaker: How To Build A Business On Friendship https://a.co/d/4vcefSK